Evelyn Erives

Evelyn Erives

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WATCH: 13 REASONS WHY NOT (A Suicide Prevention Message)

A student in Indiana is gaining some notoriety for a suicide prevention video she created for her English class. It's a play on the very popular Netflix series "13 Reasons Why" which followed the story of a teen who created a tape for every reason she felt she had no other choice than to take her own life. As a positive twist, Sarah Podzielinski entitled her video "13 Reasons Why Not". 

Via Facebook:

Hi my name is Sarah Podzielinski and I am a freshman at Bishop Luers. For our last English project we were to choose a social justice issue and write a research paper about it and also do a creative writing piece to go along with it. I chose teen suicide as my social justice issue. I call this project "13 Reasons Why Not" and it is a suicide prevention video. I got this idea off an article, but I made my version different from the original. I asked 13 students at my school including myself to make a tape. Instead of the tapes being negative, like in the show 13 Reasons Why, I had them be positive. So, each student chose someone who has most affected their lives in a positive way. I then had them tell why. For most, this was simple. For others, it took them awhile to come up with who that someone in their life is. I am so proud of each student for having the courage to do this.

I really love this creative project. Well done, Sarah!

[Full Story and Interview with Sarah]

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