A New Hampshire woman is pushing back against cemetery officials after she says the Halloween decorations she placed at her son’s grave have been repeatedly removed.
Christina Wohle lost her son back in 2016 at the age of 18. William "Cole" Wohle was riding a horse in a rodeo when he had a heart attack and passed away.
Every Halloween she decorates the grave of her son with a skeleton wearing a cowboy hat and every year since it appears that cemetery officials remove the decorations shortly after she places it on the grave.
“The cowboy from Francestown,” his headstone reads. “A smile to brighten your day.”
Cemetery officials say they have the right to move any decoration and are under no obligation to contact families about the removals. They note, the skeleton decoration was in the way of landscapers who mow the cemetery every week.
Christina disagrees and says that she's tired of it and plans on continuing to decorate the gravesite.
Do you think it's inappropriate decor for a grave-site?