Evelyn Erives

Evelyn Erives

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Do You Drive "The Most Stolen Car of 2021"?

Car Window Smashed By A Thief

Photo: Getty Images

The National Insurance Crime Bureau just released their annual “Hot Wheels” report, identifying the ten most stolen vehicles in the country last year.

For the second year in a row, the Chevrolet Full-Size Pick-Up and the Ford Full-Size Pick-Up land in the top two spots as the most stolen vehicles. 48,206 Chevrolet Full-Size Pick-Ups were stolen last year, with the most stolen model being the 2004. The Ford Full-Size Pick-Up is close behind, with 47,999 stolen, with the most stolen model being the 2006.

Top Ten Most Stolen Vehicles Last Year

  1. Chevrolet Pick-Up (Full Size) (48,206)
  2. Ford Pick-Up (Full Size) (47,999)
  3. Honda Civic (31,673)
  4. Honda Accord (30,274)
  5. Toyota Camry (17,270)
  6. GMC Pick-Up (Full Size) (15,599)
  7. Nissan Altima (14,108)
  8. Honda CR-V (13,308)
  9. Jeep Cherokee/Grand Cherokee (13,210)
  10. Toyota Corolla (12,927) 

Source: National Insurance Crime Bureau

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