6.5-Inch TONGUE Earns this Instagram Model $100K A Year!

Mikayla Saravia is an Instagram model and influencer who is making almost 100k a year with her massive tongue.

The 21-year-old has around 2 million followers all because her tongue is a 6.5 inches long! YES I'M BEING SERIOUS, she's gets paid between $900 to $3,000 for posting very NSFW images and videos licking specifically shaped food items.

Technically that's not the NSFW part, it's actually some of the "outfits" or lack there of that makes these videos of her licking things super inappropriate to share with coworkers or someone like your mom.

The 21-year-old says she's making a killing on social media,“I do ads and I monetize my YouTube and my app. I also sell merchandise on my website. Last year I made a little under $50k. Should be better this year because I’ve already doubled that amount.”

Down below is two pics of some what safe for work posts but feel free to scroll through the rest of her IG at your own risk!

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