Our Heartbreaking Family Crisis That Lead To Therapy...

This one was tough... On this week's episode of the ConversEAT with Us podcast, the weekly podcast I co-host with my husband Chris and our crazy family, we talk for the first time about the biggest scare we've faced as a couple and the dramatic change we had to make in our every-single-day beginning 6 months ago, just to get things back on track. While our show is usually pretty silly and fun, I will admit, the more we spoke candidly about what happened with the love of my life's health, we both couldn't help but get a little teary eyed. ConversEAT with Us in true therapeutic fashion and know that if you are facing what we did, you can get through it too.

Chris named this show "Chris's Crisis", but his crisis was ALL OF OURS because we're a family and we face life together.

If you're new to our podcast I encourage you to listen and subscribe! They aren't all like this one, but I can promise you they are very much our life and very candid. Thank you for checking us out!!

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