Six Popular Anti-Snoring Devices And How They Measure Up

USA, New Jersey, Jersey City, Couple in bed, man snoring

New York Times writer Rachel Cericola, who suffers from nasal polyps which cause her to snore, says she's not alone. According to the Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine (Fifth Edition), “about 40 percent of the adult population” snores. So Cericola decide to test out six popular anti-snoring devices. This is what she learned: 

  1. Smart Nora ($329)- This system will slightly move your head when it detects that you are snoring. "It sounds bizarre, but this was actually the most effective device I tried, cutting my total snoring in half, according to my SnoreLab sleep scores. It is also the most expensive."
  2. Venyn Nose Vents($22 set of four) - This is basically a pair of tiny silicone funnels that sit inside your nose to dilate your nostrils. These "didn’t totally keep me from snoring, but they reduced it by a third during one of the three nights I used it." The downside was it made the inside of her nose "crusty" in the morning.
  3. Philips SmartSleep Snoring Relief Band($200) - This band straps a small electronic device to your chest. When it senses you’re on your back, it vibrates so you’ll reposition yourself. "Unfortunately, I snore while sleeping on all sides, so this wasn’t a good solution for me."
  4. ZEEQ Smart Pillow($50) This memory foam pillow pairs with a smartphone app that detects snoring and causes the pillow to vibrate, prompting you to shift positions. "Out of the box it’s comfy, although difficult to squeeze into a standard pillowcase. It also didn’t do anything to reduce my snoring."
  5. Breathe Right Lavender Scented Strips($12.50 for pack of 26) - These Band-Aid-like adhesive strips pull the sides of your nose to open up your nasal passages. However, the strips peeled off during the night, "which may explain why there was no significant change in my snoring overnight."
  6. Copeaky Anti Snoring Chin Strap($11) - The chin strap pushes your mouth shut so you’re forced to breathe through your nose. "I managed to squish my face into this thing and (somehow) fall asleep, only to be woken up at 3 a.m., uncomfortable and drenched in drool. It also did nothing for my snoring."


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