This Is What Teens Actually Think About Distance Learning...

Students around the country are dealing with a very different school year this fall, whether it’s actually going back to class, complete remote learning, or a combination of both. And while you'd think kids would like not having to actually go to school, a new report suggests otherwise. 

A new Common Sense survey of teens finds:

  • 59% say online learning is worse than in-person schooling, while 19% actually say it’s “much worse.”
  • But even though they don’t like learning from home, only 19% say they’d rather be fully in classrooms this fall.
  • 42% of teens would prefer school to be fully remote, while 37% would opt for some sort of hybrid model.

So, if they don’t like remote learning, why are many hesitant to return to the classroom?

  • Well, 66% say they want to be fully remote because they consider the coronavirus too big of a threat.
  • Only 30% actually trust their schools “a lot” to take precautions to keep them safe.
  • 52% trust them “a little,” while 17% don’t trust them at all.
  • What’s more, when it comes to in-person schooling, 69% are very or somewhat worried about either getting sick themselves or someone they know getting sick. 

Of those who want to return to school"

  • 46% say they learn better in person.
  • 61% are worried about falling behind academically.
  • 32% find not having access to their teachers a challenge.
  • 27% are concerned about not having reliable Internet at home. 

Source:Common Sense

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