Here's What The New Stay-At-Home Order Means For You

All of Southern California has officially entered into a shutdown similar to the one we had earlier in the year, when the pandemic began for us. A regional stay-at-home order went into effect late last night (December 6, 2020) after officials said Saturday only 12.5% of adult intensive care beds were available in the area. This will stay in effect for three weeks and then officials will assess the ICU bed capacity again.

What does this mean for you and me?

From The Riverside Press Enterprise:
Indoor and outdoor playgrounds, indoor recreational facilities, hair salons, barbershops, personal care services, museums, zoos, aquariums, movie theaters, wineries, bars, breweries, distilleries, family entertainment centers, cardrooms, satellite wagering, live audience sports, overnight campgrounds and amusement parks must close.
Private and public gatherings of more than one household will also be prohibited, though protests and religious services can continue outdoors.

Here is what will remain open:

Schools with waivers already approved for in-classroom instruction.
Retail stores as long as they operate at 20% indoor capacity.
Restaurants may stay open as long as they offer only take-out, pick-up, and/or delivery.
More details can be found here.

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