California's Vaccine Lottery Starts Today! Here's How It Works...

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Big money is up for grabs today with California's first vaccine lotto. Today (June 4th), 15 people will receive a phone call saying they have won $50,000! The catch? You must have taken at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

This $50,000 opportunity will happen again next Friday, June 11th, and then on June15th 10 people will win $1.5 million. Californians 12 and older who have had at least one COVID 19 shot are eligible, but keep in mind, if your kid wins, that money will be held for them until they are at least 18.

You will know if you won by phone call. If they can’t reach you within 96 hours they will move on to another person. So, answer your phone!

More details on the California vaccine lottery, know as "Vax for the Win" can be found here on the official site.

The San Bernardino Sun also put together a good explanation on the lottery and it's prizes too.

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