Bella Delle Shows Off Vocals & Thoughtful Songs In Debut EP Feelings

Atlanta-based young aspiring artist Bella Delle recently dropped her debut solo EP titled Feelings, a collection of six vibrant and charismatic songs. The up and coming artist’s authenticity shines through in each of the compositions, showing off her magnificent alto voice. “Shut The Door” and “Won’t Forget You” are two of the eclectic songs executed in techno and electronic pop genres that will send the listener wandering through their thoughts. “Feelings”, the title song of the EP that also has a video clip, depicts Bella Delle in her medium, singing about the driving force of humanity — emotions.

The pop singer is multi-talented and does not just sing but also dances, plays the piano, and casts in major films starting at the age of six. Becoming the Laureate of first degree at the international competition called “Platform” and being selected to perform for several years in a row in Atlanta’s biggest charity event, “Tower Of Talent” are some of Bella’s most intriguing achievements. She also sang a beautiful cover of “Feeling Good” with her own twist that has been much loved by her audience.

Bella Delle Knows how to create distinct, instantly recognizable music while conveying strong emotions to the audience. Pure, catchy, and harmonious, Bella’s songs are unexpectedly soulful and wise. The artist puts it best: “When I was feeling happy or sad, or angry, I wanted to express myself through music song writing. I believe that it helped me understand myself better and connect my feelings to others,” and this became the cornerstone of her debut EP.  

Find Bella Delle on: Instagram - Spotify - YouTubeand watch/ stream her latest EP and music video below! A young artist to watch out for! 

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