Study Proves That Mosquitoes Are More Attracted To Certain Human Scents

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Is it just me or have the mosquitos been brutal this year? I can't even go outside in the late afternoon for more than 2 minutes without being bitten. Well, now I may have a scientific reason for why it seems they attack me more than my husband. Scientific American reported Tuesday (October 18) that some people are more attractive to mosquitoes than others.

A type of body odor was a crucial element in the study of 64 people. Researchers found that those with high carboxylic acid skin were more attractive to mosquitoes. 

“This property of being a mosquito magnet sticks with you for your whole life — which is either good news or bad news, depending on who you are,” said the study's co-author, Leslie Vosshall, a neurobiologist and mosquito expert.

Scientists (and regular people like me) would love to know why mosquitos love carboxylic acid so much. Another study will hopefully figure that part out soon.

For now I need to figure out how to tone down my carboxylic acid.

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