Bartenders Weigh In, These Are The Best Grocery Store Eggnogs For Spiking

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This is the time of year when most grocery stores have a shelf full of eggnog, but what are the best eggnogs to add a spirit to? Here’s what bartenders say: 

“Personally, I’m a fan of whatever is local, whether it is organic or not,” said Chris Hannah, a bartender at Jewel of the South in New Orleans and the 2022 U.S. Bartender of the Year. “So when I’m in New Orleans, I fancy Borden’s. If I’m in Pittsburgh, I would seek out Maggie’s Farm and Rompope if I were in Santa Cruz, California.”

Stuart Weaver, the general manager, and bartender at Lady Jane in Denver, favors Whole Foods 365 brand Grade A Egg Nog.

For Vegans, So Delicious Coconut Milk Holiday Nog is a favorite of Ricardo Flores, the head bartender at the award-winning cocktail bar Hot Tin in New Orleans. Another Vegan/Vegetarian option is Silk Original Eggnog. Pennsylvania Dutch Eggnog already has booze in it.

Speaking of booze, bartenders recommend adding Jamaican rum, rye, bourbon, or sherry. Even George Washington served his eggnog with a mix of rye, rum, and sherry.

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