Weird: Meet the Dude Who Only Bathes In Bottled Water

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An English man says he has eliminated health issues like anxiety, eczema and migraines from his life by staying far away from tap water.

34-year-old John Junior drinks - and bathes - in only bottled water. His daily soaks in around 30 liters of water costs him nearly $5,000 a year. He's cut back on trips to restaurants and coffee shops for his habit.

Junior explained "I always call [tap water] the devil's drink - even though my friends always laugh at me for it. I don't use it at all. I don't drink it, wash with it, I wash my clothes in bottled water. I used to struggle with extremely bad anxiety constantly and migraines, and after a while I did loads of experiments on myself to try to stop it. I cut loads of different things out of my diet and eventually I just thought that it just had to be the water - so I tried cutting that out and I just feel so much better now."

He believes the bottled water's pH balance is what eliminated his ailments. [Read More]

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