Any Guesses Why Lego Sales Are Up Big Time?


Photo: Getty Images

Lego sales jumped by 17% in 2022 to $9.8 billion! The company was one that saw massive gains during the pandemic.

Now, a Lego CEO explained "People are buying more. It’s not price increases driving it, if anything it's people buying some of the bigger and more complicated sets. It’s a combination of volume and value.”

Lego opened 155 new shops last year and hope to open 145 more in 2023. [Read More]

Personal note: This makes total sense to me. My household is obsessed with Lego building. As far as I can remember, there hasn't been a Christmas where Legos weren't given as a gift. Furthermore, the biggest fans in my house are the adults (my husband and I). The video below is my husband's latest build. Yes, we are nerds.

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