Wait, 'iamSlayonce' On Twitch Is Real?

Photo: Emma McIntyre / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

Beyoncé tried to break the internet during her Verizon commercial during the big game. The singer tried everything from opening a lemonade stand to having a Twitch commercial before teasing…"drop the music." She went on to drop two songs and tease a new country album set for March.

Well the singer might have more up her sleeve. The Twitch channel, iamSlayonce, showed off in her Verizon commercial, is real! Twitch is a live-streaming site that focuses on showing people playing video games, if you didn’t know.

One more tidbit here…some eagle-eyed fans think the Twitch channel is teasing a collab with Ariana Grande. Queen Bey wore Grande’s signature cat ear headphones during that part of the commercial…and the chat in the commercial has a user, whynotari, commenting “it’s the headphone for me.”

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