
Chris Brown Buys His Daughter Royalty a Pet Monkey, Gets Slammed By Fans

(TMZ) -- Chris Brown could've done a puppy or kitten, but instead he went exotic for Royalty's early Christmas gift, and hooked her up with ... a brand new monkey!!!

Chris' daughter got cozy with her gift, cradling what looks like a baby capuchin monkey. Dad joked with Royalty that her new "baby" would get bigger than her -- which seems like maybe a good reason NOT to give her a monkey.

But for now, it is super cute ... especially when it's this tiny and in diapers.

Royalty seems stoked, but a lot of fans let Chris have it on social media -- pointing out the exotic pet is better off in the wild, instead of his home.

One follower commented under the video, "The monkey will attack the kid one day. Good luck with that moron."

Another one blasted: "This is wrong on so many levels. It perpetuates the idea that wild animals are pets, it funds illegal wildlife trade which is threatening the extinction of thousands of species and it glorifies ignorance. Such a shame that you haven't educated yourself about the horrors you are contributing to and promoting."

Other fans have been defending him, as well. 

Photo: Getty Images

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