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Some Hollywood actors have become so committed to a role, they put their health on the line for their work. Celebrities who have gone to the extreme to lose weight for a role include:
Mila Kunis, who took up smoking again for her role as a ballerina in 2010's 'Black Swan'. Kunis said "I used to be a smoker, and so I smoked a lot of cigarettes and I ate a limited amount of calories. Twelve hundred calories and I smoked…I don't advocate this at all. It was awful."
Anne Hathaway said the idea for her role in 'Les Miserables' was to "look near death." She ate only two pieces of oatmeal paste a day to drop 25 pounds.
Known for going to physical extremes for his career, Christian Bale lost 55 pounds for 'The Machinist' by eating a single apple a day for his role as an insomniac.
In order to go from 188 pounds to 135 in just five months to play a man living with AIDS in 2013's 'Dallas Buyers Club', Matthew McConaughey said " I found tapioca pudding, and I found the tiniest little antique spoon in New Orleans, a little-bitty sugar spoon, and I would eat it with that so it would last longer."
Please remember that these actors are monitored by some of the best nutritionists and doctors for these roles. Never attempt any diet without talking to your doctor first. [Eat This]