Evelyn Erives

Evelyn Erives

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You'll Be Surprised Which City Is #1 On Best Cities For Pizza Lovers List

Deluxe Pizza and a Beer

Photo: Getty Images

'Bestlife' talked to food and travel experts to get their take on the top pizza spots in the US and Providence, Rhode Island tops the list.

Providence was chosen for its top-rated Sicilian pies, sending New York City to second place for US pizza cities.

Detroit is the third best city for pizza lovers; known for its chewy, deep dish curst and as the home of Domino's and Little Caesar's.

Head to the fourth best city for pizza, San Francisco for any of the 20 pizzarias along the city's North Beach.

New Haven, Connecticut rounds out the top five US pizza cities. The college town pies are known for a charred crust coming from pizzarias with wood-fired ovens. [Read More]

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